
Sometimes I wonder "Why?"

Sometimes, I'm really genuinely upset with God (I can't lie)... Sometimes I'm angry at the fact that things happen that make me wonder if God is really on my side. There are certain prayers that when they're raised, I just get plain infuriated.....We prayed this prayer last year and the year before the last and the year before that. Why  does it seem like things just don't work out? Why can't things just go smooth? Sometimes, my mind is just saying... "God I love you o, but right now I'm angry with you. And I know you love me, but I.....  can't say I feel it right now" This is hard to write about, because I don't know if I'm the only one who sometimes thinks this way....and if I am, what do you now think of me? But sincerely, I've had moments in this life o.... One of those moments is when I'm thinking....  " Why do we have to face so much as Christians? Conflicts all around us, different kinds of temptations, ungodly ideas

How Did I End Up Here?

Derek never liked his Dad and that's to put it mildly. If we were not trying to be modest, we would even say that he detested his Dad and wait.... before you judge him, he had his reasons. He would list them for you if you asked to know: 1. His Dad was always right 2. He never cared to know who they were, as his growing children 3. He hardly ever treated their Mum right 4. He talked them (his children) down most of the time. These are just a few among the many reasons Derek would recount for you.  The problem is: Derek's son, Rick, feels the same way about Derek as Derek felt about his own Dad. If you ask Rick his reasons for feeling this way, his list would be very similar to the one Derek gave about his Dad. So now, Derek has become to his own son what his Dad was to him: azin pe what he never wanted to be is what he currently looks like. Of course, you know by now that Derek and Rick are not really my concern. The real people I wanted to talk about is YOU and Me.  Derek and

The Choice

In life, we have to make a lot of choices. What school will I attend? Who will I marry? Some choices are more important than others, for example; a decision like, "What food will I cook?" is also a matter of choice, (though what matters is actually cooking something good and eating it.)  But you see, the Oga patapata of all choices that you can make in this life, the choice that will make the most impact in anyone's life, is the choice to make Jesus Christ our Lord and personal Saviour.  "I have made that decision" (that's what a lot of Christians will say), but hey, if I twist the truth a little (tell a little lie) to accommodate my situations, or I still abuse, or may I say, if I exchange hot words with people because I prefer not to look dumb..... Can I still say that I have made that decision? Am I standing by it? That decision I made to SERVE THE LORD. We need to know that choosing to belong to Christ is a big decision, infact it is the ultimate choice

Writers should never not write

 "Gimme a Break?" - please don't! Writers should never not write If you've started to write, then you can't afford too long a pause. I'm totally talking from experience so you can take it or leave it. It was at first a compulsory break, I lost my phone, which was my writing tool. "It's not going to be a big deal, all I have to do is continue to write after I get my phone back......" So I thought, but it didn't quite work like that 😁 You can't simply expect to snap back into writing after a long break, I thought I could. But I'd lost the fervor, I found it so hard to get back to the routine. Undisciplined me, I would promise to write and then I would not write, but of course, there were things to blame it on, I didn't feel inspired to write bla bla bla. And I'm sincerely telling myself now, that I was just being undetermined (and that's me trying to avoid calling myself 'Lazy') It works this way with a lot of thing

Work Out! (Fat people will not make heaven)

Gym Hard "Brother Yinka! Oya let's go o" Femi had pushed the door to his brother's room open. Now, he was rapping at it and calling at the same time. 'Oh Lord Jesus! What's this noise that will not allow me to enjoy my sleep now?' Bro Yinka asked subconsciously as he still struggled to remain asleep, but alas, he'd already woken up. "Mtchew, Ohhhh" he grumbled and hissed to himself, recognizing his little brother's voice. "Go where?" he asked groggily as he stretched on the bed, his shirt lifting up to reveal his ripped muscles as Femi eyed him with just a little bit of envy. "To the gym now, Bro, sheybi I told you to get ready by 5am, this is already 5:30, please, stand up and let us go" Femi replied impatiently. "Ehn, but I don't understand this your sudden passion for gyming o, I simply don't get it, I've not been able to sleep and enjoy it since you started this thing. You won't even let

The one who was Caged!

Eni-agbala What is this I hear from your mouth? A tale of how Eru-iku wants you back? He's sorry he ever let you go? He really wants to be with you again? Eni-agbala! What is that I see in your eyes?Longing? Regrets about leaving Eru-iku? Wait! Uncertainty? You don't know if you want him back too? Eni-agbala! Have you so quickly forgotten? Really, how can you? Ah, but I would remind you Eni-agbala Eru-iku played games, and you were his pawn He did with you as he so wished Ah ah, how can you say you want to go back? Remember, Eni-agbala How you cried yourself to sleep so many nights He'd made you do things you didn't want to do And you felt rotten inside That particular night, you screamed out for help You were tired of the pain you felt And the shame that came after Have you forgotten? You were a total nobody When Ore-ọfẹ found you He heard your screams that night And he ran to save you He had always been lurking around, stalking you You were the one who didn't pay

Behind the scenes

Just a Seed of Thought Cole and his friends were on their way home from school and as had become their custom, they paused at A.D.T supermarket to get some edibles (some things to snack on), there was these pair of sneakers that was currently in vogue, they would get themselves a pair each, some new shirts because...ah (man must not be caught 'unfresh'), and some other junks that they didn't really need and that some of them couldn't actually afford, but would always get anyways, because... well, Cole would pay. He always did, whatever he bought, he got the same for each of his friends too and he had quite a lot of them friends. What? He did not have a problem with it, after all he had the money 🤷🏽‍♂️ errrm... actually..his father did but he didn't think that made any difference.. (my Father's money, my money) that was what he'd always told himself. Besides, if his father should die, everything, cancel that, almost everything would be his. It would have b