Work Out! (Fat people will not make heaven)

The racer

Gym Hard

"Brother Yinka! Oya let's go o" Femi had pushed the door to his brother's room open. Now, he was rapping at it and calling at the same time.

'Oh Lord Jesus! What's this noise that will not allow me to enjoy my sleep now?' Bro Yinka asked subconsciously as he still struggled to remain asleep, but alas, he'd already woken up.

"Mtchew, Ohhhh" he grumbled and hissed to himself, recognizing his little brother's voice.

"Go where?" he asked groggily as he stretched on the bed, his shirt lifting up to reveal his ripped muscles as Femi eyed him with just a little bit of envy.

"To the gym now, Bro, sheybi I told you to get ready by 5am, this is already 5:30, please, stand up and let us go" Femi replied impatiently.

"Ehn, but I don't understand this your sudden passion for gyming o, I simply don't get it, I've not been able to sleep and enjoy it since you started this thing. You won't even let me sleep in.."

"It's not your fault, when you're not fat, why won't you sleep like a log of wood huh?"

Somehow, his rude retort only tickled Yinka, He couldn't hold in his laughter.

"Hahaha, you've developed some beef lately too, or is it that you got served cow-meat at a party? Obviously, there's still some residue from the beef in your belly. Spit it all out, please."

"Maybe you did not hear when pastor said that fat people would find it hard to get to heaven.." Femi's pathetic attempt at redeeming himself stopped Yinka in his tracks.

He was already on his way to the wardrobe to get a change of clothes so they could go.

"Wait, You said, pastor said what?"

As Femi repeated himself, puzzled Yinka suddenly got an understanding of his brother's most recent passion. Wow! It seemed Pastor's message was not too clear to some people.

"Femi, physical fat is definitely not what the pastor meant....."

"Hey, come here and sit for a while" Yinka was back at the bed, tapping it for Femi to have a seat.

"Now, let's see what the Bible says in 1Corinthians 9" Brother Yinka whipped out his Bible and gave it to Femi to read.

"Read from verse 24" he told him."

[24]Surely you know that many runners take part in a race, but only one of them wins the prize. Run, then in such a way as to win the prize

25]Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last for ever."

"Do you know any athlete? A runner perhaps?" Yinka asked.

"Yes now, I do." Femi replied.

"Great, have you ever seen them weeks or days before their game? How's their training like?"

"Ah, it's a very rigorous training o, infact, me I cannot suffer my body like that"

"Ehn, that's you and you say that, because you don't have a game you're preparing to win, but they do" Yinka explained as Femi bobbed his head in understanding.

Yinka pushed further, "But do you know that you have a race to run too, all of us, Christians. We are in a race and we must run to win, we're all runners...

An athlete intensely disciplines himself, follows strict exercise, to beat his body to a certain physical condition, so that he is prepared for a time of sport.

In the same manner, every Christian must expose themselves to discipline for the good of their living.

"Now, how would a runner run a winning race, if he had not already been preparing? In fact, hardly would you see a fat runner, or do you know one?"

Femi snickered, "How will he run and win, with his fat? It will pull him back now. Me, I've not seen one o..."

"Me likewise, I've not seen one too." Yinka continued.
"A runner must work out, till he loses all his fat and is all ripped muscles"

"Like me" He added, as he flexed his arm muscles, evoking another snicker from Femi.

"You see, that's why the Bible says in Hebrews 12:1 .... let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us"

"Our weight is the runner's fat, it will pull us back, so....we must WORK OUT too..
"Just not the way you thought the Pastor meant it...

"Remember, the road to heaven is a narrow one, indeed, fat people cannot make it on that road"

"Ehn hẹn! The pastor said that too!" Femi jumped in.

"He did right? Well, he was saying the truth, only that he was talking about spiritual fat...
Now, what are the things that could cause fat for a runner?"

"Not working out?" Femi said tentatively.

"Yes, what else do you think?"

"Errrm, eating too much junk food?"

"Good! Junk food = Food with little or no nutritional value.
Tell you what? Stay away from junk food, work out daily and you'd be fine." 

"How can christians work out?"  

Yinka asked, gauging Femi's understanding

"They can pray" Femi suggested

"Yes?" Yinka pressed.

"Study their Bibles, Fast, Morning devotions with Jesus, They can retreat to be 'Alone with God"

"Good, last month was a fasting month, did you fast?" 

"Ehnn, some of the days"

"Well, at least now you know the importance of it"

"I do, I do" Femi hastily replied, but Yinka was on it as he continued...

"Now, we cannot work out and continue to eat junk food, we'd only be deceiving ourselves...

"Be careful, what you feed yourself, the things you watch, the things you listen to, some things you do, they may not be bad but you know they don't help you, drop all of them, plus, your work out? I bet you have no worries with making heaven"

Relieved due to his new understanding, Femi stretched.

"I'm going back to the room, no need to go to the gym anymore"

"No,no,no, none of that is happening lil' bro, you actually have some physical fat you need to work out.
How old are you? See, your belly's already popping out.

"Get up and let's go" Yinka kicked Femi.

"My God, what have I entered into?"
Femi lamented as Yinka laughed and dragged him up, they had some real business to do at the gym.

[26]That is why I run straight for the finishing line; that is why I am like a boxer who does not waste his punches.

[27]I harden my body with blows and bring it under complete control, to keep myself from being disqualified after having called others to the contest.


  1. Thank you for sharing that light. Working out Spiritually.

  2. Thank God fha and thank you for reading up


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