
Showing posts with the label policemen

It's not just Nigeria;, it's not just policemen, what about you?

Let us know who you are I had reason to travel, once upon a time (not too long ago), and as the bus I was in, reached a police checkpoint, I saw the driver had squeezed an amount of money and stretched his hand out the bus towards the policeman who was supposed to 'check' us. I watched as the policeman 'secretly' collected the money and pocketed it, it was so fast, you wouldn't believe anything occurred, if you weren't already watching like I was. Not too long after that, I watched again as we approached another checkpoint and the driver this time, brought out a 500 naira note, now obviously this is big money, so the driver had to linger for some 'change', I saw as this policeman searched his pocket for 'change' for our driver, without an iota of shame. I mean, I couldn't see any sign of "I shouldn't even be doing this" on his face, none at all. When he couldn't find 'change', he beckoned, sorry, shouted at another