Is it? Is it not?


You see, the Jews
They knew the Messiah was coming
They longed for the Messiah to come
For years, He was the promise they hoped for

But I guess they had a different picture of how He would look,
Of how He would come
Of the kind of saving it was going to be
Of how He would save them

They probably thought he would appear on earth in a spectacular manner
Looking like 'Superman'
He'd begin to disturb things
With a super force
Nobody would be able to stand before Him
Anybody who had ever mistreated them, 
He would of course punish

When he really came though
He was all the things they did not picture
A baby
Born in the most unexpected way
In the most miserly kind of place
By an irregular family
Looking like, He was the one who needed saving

Isn't that why...
'He came to His own, but His own received Him not'?
The Messiah they had always hoped for came, but they rejected Him. 
He didn't look like a 'Messiah'

He was a superhero, quite alright
Just not the kind, they had imagined

Considering the picture you've created in your mind
I wonder, when your answer comes
If you would even recognise it?

You've not only been praying about that thing
You've also pictured it in your mind
How God will do it
How it will look like when He does it
(I use 'it' because, I don't know exactly what 'it' may be for you)
But, whatever 'it' is...
Do you leave a space for God to perform it the way He will..
Or is it strictly how you've pictured?

Because then,
How will you recognise it
And then be different from
'His own' (who did not receive Him)?

'Cos the thing is
We think as humans would and....
God is everything but human
He is far above what we can imagine

If you can just understand this
Maybe, you wouldn't have to wonder 
When God's sent answer comes
Is it? Is it not?

Thank you for stopping by again

Don't forget to leave a comment

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  1. Thank you for sharing this with us! God bless you more

  2. True.
    Many times we are to blind to see the answers to our prayers based on the image we paint in our hearts. We forget that God's way is different from ours.

  3. Considering the picture you've created in your mind I wonder, when your answer comes
    If you would even recognise it?

    Help me to accept your will even if it goes contrary to what I have in mind.

  4. This is very practical. It is easy to throw shades at the 1st century Jews. But when God steps into my situation will I recognize Him?

    A question to ponder upon for me.

    Thank you for this insight. God bless you.

  5. We really need to erase those expectations we hold...
    Great piece, thanks for sharing!!!

  6. Ummm...Lord, help me to recognise your visitation and accept your will now and always in Jesus name, amen.

    Thank you for sharing sis.

  7. His ways are different from ours, and that's why He is God.

    Thanks for this wonderful piece, more inspiration I pray for you.


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