Let's know who you are

Unwanted Proposition "Hey Gift, How far na?" (How are you), Tina strolled into the room. "I'm fine..." Gift replied her friend absentmindedly and Tina noticed, but she decided to ignore her friend's 'downing' spirit, she had great news for Gift. "Guess what!" "What?" Gift asked in a bored kind of way. she was really in no mood for games, neither did she think she was interested in what Tina had to say (she only put up with her most of the time). But Tina will always ignore her obvious disinterest. "I got someone for you.." She said excitedly. Gift had absolutely no idea what Tina was going on about, 'What was Tina talking about? Someone for her?! Our lady continued though, "This man is fine and riiich" she dragged out the 'rich'. Now, Gift was just plain confused "And trust me, he'd give you anything, I mean, every single thing you want..." She droned on as she gesticulated with ...