Sometimes I wonder "Why?"

Sometimes, I'm really genuinely upset with God (I can't lie)... Sometimes I'm angry at the fact that things happen that make me wonder if God is really on my side. There are certain prayers that when they're raised, I just get plain infuriated.....We prayed this prayer last year and the year before the last and the year before that.

Why does it seem like things just don't work out? Why can't things just go smooth?

Sometimes, my mind is just saying...

"God I love you o, but right now I'm angry with you. And I know you love me, but I..... can't say I feel it right now"

This is hard to write about, because I don't know if I'm the only one who sometimes thinks this way....and if I am, what do you now think of me?

But sincerely, I've had moments in this life o.... One of those moments is when I'm thinking.... 

"Why do we have to face so much as Christians? Conflicts all around us, different kinds of temptations, ungodly ideas, ungodly propositions here and there, aggression from known and unknown people....." 

I know the Bible mentioned that these things will happen, but in that moment when I see something like ".. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer....."

I'm wondering, "But why? Why did Jesus have to say that, just why didn't he make it the opposite, azin why is it not that, as you become a Christian, your worries will just end? Why in the world is every Christian's life not an - 'everything duly provided, life easy, everybody loves me'.. kind of life. Why?"

Then I realize that the 'why' is quite simple, it's the same 'why' that makes a rich man test a lady in the movies that we've watched. He wants to know if she really loves him or it's his money that she loves. 

If you also imagine the kind of world I was talking about earlier, a world where Christians never suffer and they have everything easy. You will realize that a lot of people will be Christians in that world, not because they really love Jesus, but because of the benefits that will come with being associated with Him. And with the way our God is jealous, he would never want that. 

You sef, tell the truth, you won't want a fake lover (someone who only is with you for the goodies you have to offer.) So that's why God has made it such that, anyone who wants to share in His glory will also share in His sufferings. 

But thank God, He has overcome the world already and thank God, He blesses those who are persecuted for righteousness and thank God, He'll at least be with us through it all. (Even if sometimes, it doesn't feel like He's present)

We choose to encourage ourselves in the Lord and ask for strength to go through all for His sake. To love Him through everything that may come our way.

We will not allow worries to hinder us from the connection we have with Christ

We opt for Strength

N.B: This is for the people who may sometimes, feel this way too.

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I love you but God loves you more (even if sometimes you don't feel it) He indeed loves you and He doesn't even take a break from loving you.


  1. In hard and depressing times, God is always there. Yes it'll appear He isn't present but if only our eyes were opened. He's the one carrying us, bearing us through the moments until victory. No we shouldn't give up, our strength is sure!

  2. We are created to always depend on God in all situations of life, when life brings its good part and the opposite. He remains a dependable God!


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