How wicked can God be?

How wicked can you be? "See me, see trouble o🤷, there's no food anywhere, the land is dry, people are broke. Myself, I've been managing the food we had left in the house, we've been eating it (my child and I) little by little, just once per day, there's no 'eating to get satisfied' now o, there's only 'eating to stay alive', and this man is asking me for food, as if he doesn't know what's going on in the country. Anyways, me I just told him that this is the last on me, this is the last food I have, I intend to bake this little thing (flour), myself and my child will eat it and get ready to die, because we have absolutely nothing left, nothing at all after this...... and guess what he replied, "...make mine first, then you can make for yourself and your child" 🤣, it's funny isn't it? I'm not even going to try to analyze the wickedness embedded in that statement. All I explained to this man meant nothing to him, I ...