

Jesus: Our Only Message They ask, "Why be so exclusive?" They want us to tread softly, in the name of 'peace', they want us to agree that there can be different faiths and different ways to God. When Christ said with certainty, "I am the Way" "the Truth", "the Life", not a way, not a truth. Only through Christ can the true God be accessed.  There's no alternative in this place. There's no soft pedaling, we cannot for the sake of peace, agree that men should be lost. Because that is the fate of anyone who goes outside Christ to access Faith. Jesus Christ is the key. Jesus said, "Ye shall know THE truth, and THE truth shall set you free", after He had said, "I am THE truth", then He said, "if the son sets you free, you shall be free indeed", all attesting to the fact that Christ is THE Way. If it isn't Christ life, it is no life. Romans 1:16-32 While you may be looking for power somewhere, the gospe...

See Yourself In The Message

Have you wondered why, nothing really pricks you when you listen to messages? You smile through most messages now, even when others in the gathering are getting convicted. You can't really relate to their heaviness of heart, because the message does not really apply to you..... Well, you can see how it applies to your roommate, or your brother, or your partner, but not to you? Friend, I think you need to check yourself o. Recently, I was listening to a message and to be honest, none of the preacher's examples applied to me, then I realized; "this might be happening to a lot of people". The pastor might truly be mentioning all the examples which do not apply in your case, but at least, you know your case. Stop thinking the message is about your sister, or that boy who sleeps around, or that girl who dresses immorally, or the one who steals.  You nkọ? (What about you ), that you cannot control your speech, your appetite, your sleep. You nkọ, that you get irritated easil...

The Supernatural

The devil is real. I shouldn't have to point this out, but I will, until I can get you to see it's not a joke. Years ago, when people were told about the devil, they shook in fright at the evil. But not anymore, instead of fright, you see fascination. Many people are fascinated by the devil in his actions and they don't even realize it.  The entertainment industry has made it look okay. They're busy writing and releasing movies about demons and witches and vampires and werewolfs. Sometimes, a whole movie series is just about satanic activities and it pains so much that fellow Christians watch it without seeing the intention behind it. You shouldn't act like everybody and think it is just for fun, the writer might say it was just fun but you should know better now.  Can't you see that: They've made you think that, there are good witches and bad witches? As you're watching, you're busy rooting for the good witch to win over the bad witch. But guess wha...

It's a New Year!

Write a Vision Happy New Year my people.  Indeed the lord is good and merciful as to making us to see the new year, as unworthy as we are.  Sincerely, all I understand of God's mercy is that I'm undeserving of it, asides that, I don't get why He shows me His mercy. But He does, shouldn't I be grateful? I am very grateful, you should be too. That said, usually in a new year, People talk about New Year Resolutions . And many people build a list of resolutions that may not be of deep consequence. I mean, things like 'this year, I want to see more sights, visit more places....' 'I want to eat more fruits this year and complete all my favourite shows....' . While it may not be bad that you want to do those things, is it at least for a greater good? I believe that a man, particularly one who has given himself to Christ, should not create vain lists of resolutions or plans, they should be things that will benefit the kingdom of Christ, or at least that will hel...

A Chance that was ignored

How are you doing, Guys? I hope you're doing well. Recently, I've been having conversations with my friends about the pervert things going on in the church, and it has all been so heartbreaking. I feel we should get on this together. Let's talk about STONES. 1Kgs.6.7 - And the temple, when it was being built, was built with stone finished at the quarry, so that no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in the temple while it was being built. Why's there so much noise at the building site? Why do I keep hearing the sound of the hammer and the chisel and many iron tools? Shouldn't there be only finished stones at the building site?  I mean, if there's still all these noise at the palace, I wonder what then took place at the quarry? I always joke around with people that "we're all pencils in the hands of the creator." The 'superstory' line. In God's super story, we're stones.  God really wants to use everyone of us, He wants to l...

Identity Crisis?

How can it be that the devil would think he could tempt Jesus and be successful at it? Remember that particular episode where he took Christ to a high mountain, showed Him the riches of the world and asked Him to bow, promising to give Him everything, if he bows. Keep in mind: The devil had full knowledge of the fact that Jesus was the CHRIST and logically shouldn't have bothered to even try, but that didn't stop him, he still tempted Jesus anyway.  It must be that, he knew Jesus was flesh and blood while he was on earth, as was any other man, therefore he was banking on the hope that, like any other 'man', Christ would not know His own identity. That maybe Jesus would not know that eventhough He was human, he was still the CHRIST and he had power to say "No" to what otherwise, as a human, he should be weak towards. See that?  Basically, what he did was, he tried to play on Christ's own intelligence. Just imagine if Christ did not know His identity, if tha...

I lost my phone AGAIN! Why ME?

"Why Me? God!  I watched in silence and so much sympathy as her sobbing turned near hysterical, some might even consider it dramatic, the tears streamed down her face in such a fast pace, you would think they were in a competition of 'which drops first'. It had been like that for a while and it was very well expected since she was robbed of her considerable essentials, her laptop and her phones were all gone, she probably had very important information stored on them, I actually felt like I could feel her pain. But she didn't lose a loved one, no, which is why some people might have started to think her non-stop sobbing, is too dramatic. Personally, I had no issue with her crying, but those lines though, she kept repeating them and, they started to really irk me. "Why Me? Why Me?"  REALLY? Bae, why not you?  Do you know that, 'Why ME?' means you'd prefer it happened to someone else?  Do you know that, another way to say 'Why me?', is to sa...