The Supernatural

The devil is real. I shouldn't have to point this out, but I will, until I can get you to see it's not a joke.

Years ago, when people were told about the devil, they shook in fright at the evil. But not anymore, instead of fright, you see fascination. Many people are fascinated by the devil in his actions and they don't even realize it. 

The entertainment industry has made it look okay. They're busy writing and releasing movies about demons and witches and vampires and werewolfs. Sometimes, a whole movie series is just about satanic activities and it pains so much that fellow Christians watch it without seeing the intention behind it. You shouldn't act like everybody and think it is just for fun, the writer might say it was just fun but you should know better now. 

Can't you see that:

They've made you think that, there are good witches and bad witches? As you're watching, you're busy rooting for the good witch to win over the bad witch. But guess what? You're still rooting for witchcraft. Your mind is being worked on.

I don't want to talk too deeply about vampires and werewolfs, because some people will say, 'it's not that deep, it's just imaginative fiction' Okay o, I hear you. But a human who can change to an animal is what? If you knew that such human lived in your house, would you be able to live in it? As per pΓ©, 'vampires and werewolfs are so cute na'. That's even far-fetched, if such movies were made in the african/nigerian setting, with blood-sucking, body-shifting half humans. Would you still say it is cute or you would call it sorcery? 

So, why do you think it is okay because it's a movie? A white/modern movie. You should question the imagination of the scriptwriter. Someone once told me, "Me I can watch anything o and I can read's just a story for me" 

This is a dangerous way to think, in my opinion, the story matters. Whether you accept or not, what you watch and what you read affects you. You're just not aware of it.

Fellow Christian, I need you to start opening your eyes whenever you watch things..... Most of these movies add nothing of substance to you, but it grabs your attention with so much fierceness...... makes you inquisitive about the wrong things.

I just need you to see how demonism has been made to look cute, how immorality does not seem like such a big deal..... 

Secular writers in times past, used to at least care about the lessons their books or movies teach, but in these times, movies are written from head to toe with zero lesson for even just a moralist, not to talk of a Christian. Some of them skits, mock your beliefs and values to your face and you act unaware.

I would not say, you should not watch at all o, it's your choice at the end of the day. But don't choose to be ignorant of the writers' mind when you see it does not even have a moral lesson..... You shouldn't choose to compromise the emptiness you will feel after watching it with the enjoyment of the moment.

Many people do not know that they're tuning to Satan. The delusion is intense... and whether you agree or not, it is the devil himself, in the bid to achieve his purpose, that is sponsoring. He does not mind the cost, as long as he can get you blinded to your need for Christ, to your need for substance.

Am I saying you should only watch Christian movies? No o. I'm saying, God is not a joke, Satan is not a joke. They are real and I don't believe that you should give your attention to things that make light of supernatural matters.

I simply want to make you aware, that there's the force of Christ and the force of the devil, working in our time. It is you, by yourself who will choose.

Thanks for reading today. COMMENT please πŸ™πŸ½

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  1. They are real and I don't believe that you should give your attention to things that make light of supernatural matters...

    And she's back with a bang...

    May we not make light of serious issues, and may our eyes be opened to see,

  2. This is really for meeeeeeee. Thank you for this timely blog. God bless you πŸ€—❤️

  3. This is a rather incisive piece. Thanks for laying it out there. The god of this world works overtime, and understandably so. His time is ticking away. He has numbed the minds of many, and will keep at it until the fullness of time. May our senses be honed to discern the times we are in so that we act accordingly.


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