Identity Crisis?

How can it be that the devil would think he could tempt Jesus and be successful at it? Remember that particular episode where he took Christ to a high mountain, showed Him the riches of the world and asked Him to bow, promising to give Him everything, if he bows.

Keep in mind: The devil had full knowledge of the fact that Jesus was the CHRIST and logically shouldn't have bothered to even try, but that didn't stop him, he still tempted Jesus anyway. 

It must be that, he knew Jesus was flesh and blood while he was on earth, as was any other man, therefore he was banking on the hope that, like any other 'man', Christ would not know His own identity. That maybe Jesus would not know that eventhough He was human, he was still the CHRIST and he had power to say "No" to what otherwise, as a human, he should be weak towards. See that? 

Basically, what he did was, he tried to play on Christ's own intelligence. Just imagine if Christ did not know His identity, if that was the period he was going through some identity crisis. Thank God he proved the devil wrong!

Now, we have a perfect example in Jesus. And because He passed the test, we know that we also can 'pass'. 

The devil tried his 'luck' with Jesus ni, but he failed. Halleluyah!

Consider this: If knowing Christ's personality didn't deter the devil. You don't need to think the case would be different with you  He's of course, going to try his 'luck' with you too, countless times in fact, doesn't matter that he knows you're a CHRIST-ian. 

But you know what?

You're going to let him know, that you know your IDENTITY!

You are strong enough, wise enough to stand and not shake, not because you're not human but because You are of Christ.

But make sure you're really of Christ, that I'm not assuming for you.

In this fold, we know who we are.


  1. Ummm...If Christ was tempted, then you and I must not think we are immune to temptation, rather we should be at alert being sure that we are found in Christ always (knowing that the devil is never tired trying to see if we are off guard) and we know it(identity).
    Thank you for sharing Gracie Tunmife, God bless you.

  2. If the Lord could be tried by the devil, no one else can be exempted. However, being tempted is not a sin, as it's inevitable for all believers, but falling into temptation is.
    May the Lord equip us all with the needed grace to withstand temptations throughout our sojourn here on earth. Amen.
    Thanks for this wonderful piece, Grace Tunmife, God bless you more.

  3. Yes, I know my identity in Christ, so devil can't just roar to scare me any longer. I am the heir to His throne. More grace upon you Tunmife, you are bless

  4. faithfulnessifeoluwa@gmail.comDecember 16, 2020 at 11:33 PM

    This is the Blog!
    Wonderfully stuffed with wonderful stuffs! Sorry to use the word "stuff" but really I'm blessed reading through.
    Dear Grace Tunmife, More Grace!!

  5. We're not immune to temptation but knowing our identity, we shall overcome.
    God bless you.


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