Jesus: Our Only Message

They ask, "Why be so exclusive?" They want us to tread softly, in the name of 'peace', they want us to agree that there can be different faiths and different ways to God. When Christ said with certainty, "I am the Way" "the Truth", "the Life", not a way, not a truth. Only through Christ can the true God be accessed. 

There's no alternative in this place. There's no soft pedaling, we cannot for the sake of peace, agree that men should be lost. Because that is the fate of anyone who goes outside Christ to access Faith.

Jesus Christ is the key.

Jesus said, "Ye shall know THE truth, and THE truth shall set you free", after He had said, "I am THE truth", then He said, "if the son sets you free, you shall be free indeed", all attesting to the fact that Christ is THE Way.

If it isn't Christ life, it is no life.

Romans 1:16-32

While you may be looking for power somewhere, the gospel itself is the POWER of God to save. There's no power in social reform, as it is in the gospel.

Leave any child to grow naturally, he will grow naturally wild. Only Christ gives true freedom, no freedom outside him, only wildness. 


The Cross will remain the most important above any other message, from the cross emanates every other good thing.

The only offense to the devil is the cross, any message that excludes Christ and Him crucified, can be preached anywhere and by anyone making it of no effect, causing no offence.... And that, is powerless. And what else will the devil be glad about?

Jesus must be at the centre


Thank you for reading up, I'm always grateful, Guys🙏🏽

I love you, but Christ loves you more.

Don't forget to comment, please.


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