I lost my phone AGAIN! Why ME?

"Why Me? God! 

I watched in silence and so much sympathy as her sobbing turned near hysterical, some might even consider it dramatic, the tears streamed down her face in such a fast pace, you would think they were in a competition of 'which drops first'. It had been like that for a while and it was very well expected since she was robbed of her considerable essentials, her laptop and her phones were all gone, she probably had very important information stored on them, I actually felt like I could feel her pain. But she didn't lose a loved one, no, which is why some people might have started to think her non-stop sobbing, is too dramatic.

Personally, I had no issue with her crying, but those lines though, she kept repeating them and, they started to really irk me. "Why Me? Why Me?" 

REALLY? Bae, why not you? 

Do you know that, 'Why ME?' means you'd prefer it happened to someone else? 

Do you know that, another way to say 'Why me?', is to say "Why not Chris, or Bola, or Phoebe, or David, or whoever else, Why is it me!"? That sounds selfish 🤔

I should ask you now: Who else do you think deserves it? Because you sound like you think there might be people out there who deserve this evil that has come to you, but definitely not you. You who have been faithfully serving God, you who give freely, you who fast and pray, you who contribute whenever the church needs. You! You know what? Maybe you truly don't deserve bad happenings, but you should know that nobody else does either. 

But wait, lemme whisper this into your ears; (there's no amount of good you can do in life, that makes you totally undeserving of some bad. You can ask Job, the blameless Job), but that's for your ears alone.

Things simply happen at times and at those times, we need to learn to ask questions that will not sound as selfish as, "Why ME?". Sometimes, we're really in pain, we've really been hurt, still, "Why ME?" is not the way to go. 

You can ask God other questions, God actually wants to hear our respectfully honest questions, so you can ask questions like; "Why?" Just "Why?" You really want to know why what's happening is happening. Sincerely, you may get answers, you may not. You can cry, you can pray, listen to some soothing music. Resist the temptation to rant to God about how you don't deserve this nonsense and simply trust Him.

Sincerely, the next time I hear "Why ME?" come out of your mouth, it better be that you're wondering why it is YOU that Christ has chosen to love as much as he does. Why you're the one who's still alive when some people are dead. Why you're enjoying so much of God's goodness, when you're the one who does not deserve it as much.

The road is not always easy and... Fam, you need realise that you're not GOD. 

Writer's Note: it wasn't totally click-bait

Guys, I lost my phone again. No, it wasn't damaged, it was stolen AGAIN.  I say 'again' because, the one before this was stolen too, and the one before it, and the one before that too. It's like four times in a row.

And yes, you're allowed to think what you're thinking. Whatever it is that's coming to your mind right now, I'm completely sure it has gone through mine too.

Faith, I know you wanted me to write a story about it but I really don't have one for this one😁

But while everything was happening, through my confusion and lamentations and the many questions. I remembered this write up I had written months before the incidence, then before I could spit that line of "Why Me!", I grabbed my FIRST lesson through the whole thing, "IT'S EASY TO PREACH" 

Maybe God wanted me to really know what I was preaching about. We're getting to a place where we cannot tell stories alone but LIFE. 

Thank you for reading up, I'm always grateful, Guys🙏🏽

I love you, but Christ loves you more.

Don't forget to comment, please.


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