A Chance that was ignored

How are you doing, Guys? I hope you're doing well. Recently, I've been having conversations with my friends about the pervert things going on in the church, and it has all been so heartbreaking. I feel we should get on this together. Let's talk about STONES.

1Kgs.6.7 - And the temple, when it was being built, was built with stone finished at the quarry, so that no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in the temple while it was being built.

Why's there so much noise at the building site? Why do I keep hearing the sound of the hammer and the chisel and many iron tools? Shouldn't there be only finished stones at the building site? 

I mean, if there's still all these noise at the palace, I wonder what then took place at the quarry?

I always joke around with people that "we're all pencils in the hands of the creator." The 'superstory' line. In God's super story, we're stones. 

God really wants to use everyone of us, He wants to lift us up as an edifice for Him at the Palace. God wants people to see the temple and be like, "Wow! These stones are so beautiful" "These are definitely special stones, see how they fit so well.." 

That's why, stones were not just carried to the temple for use, they were first broken and shaped, beautified and fitted for the temple, at THE QUARRY. 

Do you know that God does not want unprepared people in important places? He prefers to have people He has worked on, hammered and chiseled to His taste. God himself is the QUARRYMAN and He does a perfect job. 

A little chiselling here, a little hammering there. God is trying to make us shed some weight, He's trying to chip away excesses, so he can polish us and make us shine for his glory. But.....

 "Ouch! That hammer hurts, the chisel, does He really need it? Why can't he find a way around it. Please, this is too painful. I don't think I'd go through this."

Just like that, we have so many unfinished stones at the building site. The original idea was that, the stones will fit like a puzzle at the temple because they'd have been finished at the quarry... The builders will just pick up the stone and insert it where it fits. But now, these stones are not fitting in the plan. Now, there's so much need for adjustments and the noise... The noise could have been avoided, If Only the stone did not avoid the quarry process.

If we're hearing that pastors are being involved in frauds, financial or sexual. There was a time when nobody knew them yet, when these things could've been worked on, when they should have been at the quarry. Every tree was once a seed that could've been cut off, while it was still a seed. But do you keep protecting and avoiding the cutlass? Look, every circumcision is painful, but will be even more painful when it's not done at a tender stage. The quarry is a price we have to pay, not an easy one, but a necessary one, if we intend to be shown as an edifice at the Temple.

Now, the builders are looking at the stone and wondering how it even made it to the building site. What a lot of us are covering up now and protecting, because we don't want the shame and the pain.... Will all still have to be exposed anyway. It will all be discovered at the building site. At that time, the shame and the noise will be more...

Being at the quarry is hard, but being exposed at the building site will also be hard. Please, choose your HARD wisely.

Thank you for reading up, I'm always grateful, Guys🙏🏽

I love you, but Christ loves you more.

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  1. May the Lord help us to bear the pain of being shaped by Him.
    Thanks for this, God bless you.

  2. I choose the quarry.
    God help me more
    Thank you for sharing this God inspired piece, more grace to you.

  3. I Pet 2:5-10 (paraphrased)
    We are all living stones fitted together into the House of God
    But there is a chief cornerstone. And all other stones are fashioned after it and take bearing from it. It is the stone that the builders ignored - the most important stone of all.

  4. The quarry site is a place everyone that wants to be useful to God must undergo.


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