
Showing posts from 2021

Is it? Is it not?

  You see, the Jews They knew the Messiah was coming They longed for the Messiah to come For years, He was the promise they hoped for But I guess they had a different picture of how He would look, Of how He would come Of the kind of saving it was going to be Of how He would save them They probably thought he would appear on earth in a spectacular manner Looking like 'Superman' He'd begin to disturb things With a super force Nobody would be able to stand before Him Anybody who had ever mistreated them,  He would of course punish When he really came though He was all the things they did not picture A baby Born in the most unexpected way In the most miserly kind of place By an irregular family Looking like, He was the one who needed saving Isn't that why... 'He came to His own, but His own received Him not'? The Messiah they had always hoped for came, but they rejected Him.  Why? He didn't look like a 'Messiah' He was a superhero, quite alright Just not...


Matthew 6:34 [34]So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings. Each day with its troubles, like default. It's like, whether I like it or not, there's going to be trouble every new day.  Worrying is an addition to the troubles of the day. In other words, 'Worry' is trouble on its own, "do not worry about tomorrow" is what God says.  Why will we be asked not to worry though? It's like we're wired to worry. Things are not going the way we understand, so we worry. The 'ups and downs' of life are intense, so we worry. We don't want a poor future, so we worry.  Interestingly, God knows about all these, He knows the concerns we have, He knows the reasons why we think we should worry, but He still says "Don't worry" When your father says "Don't worry", you should know it's because he has a plan and he's working on it already. God i...

Would Job and Would You? (Songspired e.p 2)

  Satan replied, “Would Job worship you if he got nothing out of it? You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. You bless everything he does, and you have given him enough cattle to fill the whole country. But now suppose you take away everything he has — he will curse you to your face!” This was about Job, but how about if say it like this: WILL YOU WORSHIP GOD, IF YOU GOT NOTHING OUT OF IT? There's no way you can get nothing out of worshipping God, because being saved means you've already gotten too much. But what if He doesn't do anything else, would you still love Him? Would you still worship Him? This song says: If you never give me a house on a hill If I never get to drive the latest in technology trails If I never get to travel to exotic places Sing to a crowd of a million faces After all the material things are gone Lord help me to remember what you've already done. If you never I'll still love you If you never do anything As for me...

Come Boldly

  Grace had no idea the meeting would last this long, but it was indeed necessary. After the rehearsal, it was important that they stayed behind to know where they stood as far as plans for the concert was concerned. They had taxed themselves financially and almost everyone had fulfilled their commitment already, 'Thank God'. Only few were left, she must hurry up and pay hers too because it wouldn't speak well for one of the major planners to be among the defaulters.  She was really broke at this time though, but it's no problem, she would ask her mum as soon as she got home. Mummy should have no issues with giving it to her. She checked her wristwatch, 10:35pm! Christ! it was this late? and the place was quite far from home,  'Oh God, I'm in trouble, Mummy will so scold me today ehn, she pardoned me the other day, how will I convince her that it's not on purpose now🤦🏽‍♀️'   She mumbled as she started packing up her things, she didn't intend to off...


 A friend in need, is a friend indeed. That's how the saying goes. Amnon felt a strong pull towards his step-sister, Tamar. He felt like he loved her so much. But should he even feel this way? What to do, What to do?🤔 After so much thought, he decided to confide in his best friend Jonadab. Then Jonadab told him,  "Why are you beating yourself up about this thing, as if you're weak. Is it not Tamar?   "Lie down on your bed and pretend to be ill. And when your father comes to see you, say to him, "Please let my sister Tamar come and give me food, and prepare the food in my sight, that I may see it and eat it from her hand." And that was Amnon did,  His father sent Tamar to him, he got her alone in the room and raped her. Jonadab was a friend in need And what did that make him? "A friend indeed!" But not really. Beware of Jonadabs, friends who just always cater to your needs and would not care to tell you if your 'need' was even right.... You...

Leviticus is making me say, "Thank God!"

God is so clean, if he was a man, he would be tagged to have OCD. Anyone who has read the book of Leviticus will understand just how much God hates dirt. The more I read through the book, the more grateful it makes me. What humans will consider 'no big deal' these days, was such a big deal in those days. Even things that are not necessarily your fault, like bodily discharge, made a man unclean and thereby unfit for God's presence, in those days. And then He'd have to do some sacrificing, to cleanse him and make him worthy, still only for a while. Until he's unclean again. I want us to realise that, the life most of us live now, is the kind of life that deserved to be burned or stoned in the old testament.  Thank God, there's the New Testament and thank God for Grace. We would never have deserved God's presence, but Grace has made us deserving of more, even LIFE. Let our lives show that we appreciate His Grace. By Grace are we saved, and we stay clinched to G...

One Prayer Away? - (Songspired ep.1)

 "Can you tell me something else?" 🤦🤦 Sometimes life overwhelms you so much, you can't even find words to express it. You don't even want to, you're simply tired. On top of that, the church is offering you the same thing. But, "You can talk to God" doesn't sound like an advice that works. "God cares about you" does not ring true in your ears anymore. Because, how about the times you've called and it didn't seem like He heard? You've prayed and nothing happened? You've praised and things remained the same? But what if I tell you again That God still cares? That God's still there? Will it matter? Because you've heard it before And now all you want to really do is ignore But please don't Praise still works Prayer still works God is not far And sincerely, what are these problems, what are even generational curses before the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous? I know you may be tempted to Check out other op...

Approachable? Correctable?

  There's really a level you get to, where you'd no longer get honest corrections/criticisms as freely as you used to. It could be because at that time, you're the leader, the followers are the ones who should learn from you, but whether you'd get those corrections at all or not, is dependent on the energy that you exude.  Are you on an "attack/defensive" stance or on a "you can talk to me" stance. Recently, a group of young adults were telling their leader, who could pass for a father to them, about how they didn't flow with his method of doing a certain thing, they then suggested another way of doing it.  I watched as this leader, simply shut them down and told them that the method would not change and that they'd better got used to it. Of course they shut up, but I couldn't help but wonder why it didn't cross his mind to even find out the issue they had with his own method and try to consider their suggestion.  His stance was defen...

Story Story

"Bring her out and have her burned to death!"  This was Judah's statement after hearing that his daughter-in-law, Tamar, who was a widow, had turned to prostitution and was pregnant. A very astonishing statement, if you asked me.   Till this day, I wonder why he was so quick to pronounce judgement like that? Why had he so quickly forgotten that he was not much different from her? Let me give you guys the back story. Three months earlier, Judah, had gone to Timnah to meet his sheep shearers. There he met a veiled 'harlot', in his mind, he thought he was far from home and like they say, " what happens in Rome, stays in Rome " This was his 'Rome' for now, so throwing caution to the wind, he went in to sleep with this harlot, who unknowingly to him was his widowed daughter-in-law. And because he brought nothing to give her as payment...(of course he was unprepared) She asked him, " What will you give me? " and he replied, " I will send...


Jesus: Our Only Message They ask, "Why be so exclusive?" They want us to tread softly, in the name of 'peace', they want us to agree that there can be different faiths and different ways to God. When Christ said with certainty, "I am the Way" "the Truth", "the Life", not a way, not a truth. Only through Christ can the true God be accessed.  There's no alternative in this place. There's no soft pedaling, we cannot for the sake of peace, agree that men should be lost. Because that is the fate of anyone who goes outside Christ to access Faith. Jesus Christ is the key. Jesus said, "Ye shall know THE truth, and THE truth shall set you free", after He had said, "I am THE truth", then He said, "if the son sets you free, you shall be free indeed", all attesting to the fact that Christ is THE Way. If it isn't Christ life, it is no life. Romans 1:16-32 While you may be looking for power somewhere, the gospe...

See Yourself In The Message

Have you wondered why, nothing really pricks you when you listen to messages? You smile through most messages now, even when others in the gathering are getting convicted. You can't really relate to their heaviness of heart, because the message does not really apply to you..... Well, you can see how it applies to your roommate, or your brother, or your partner, but not to you? Friend, I think you need to check yourself o. Recently, I was listening to a message and to be honest, none of the preacher's examples applied to me, then I realized; "this might be happening to a lot of people". The pastor might truly be mentioning all the examples which do not apply in your case, but at least, you know your case. Stop thinking the message is about your sister, or that boy who sleeps around, or that girl who dresses immorally, or the one who steals.  You nkọ? (What about you ), that you cannot control your speech, your appetite, your sleep. You nkọ, that you get irritated easil...

The Supernatural

The devil is real. I shouldn't have to point this out, but I will, until I can get you to see it's not a joke. Years ago, when people were told about the devil, they shook in fright at the evil. But not anymore, instead of fright, you see fascination. Many people are fascinated by the devil in his actions and they don't even realize it.  The entertainment industry has made it look okay. They're busy writing and releasing movies about demons and witches and vampires and werewolfs. Sometimes, a whole movie series is just about satanic activities and it pains so much that fellow Christians watch it without seeing the intention behind it. You shouldn't act like everybody and think it is just for fun, the writer might say it was just fun but you should know better now.  Can't you see that: They've made you think that, there are good witches and bad witches? As you're watching, you're busy rooting for the good witch to win over the bad witch. But guess wha...

It's a New Year!

Write a Vision Happy New Year my people.  Indeed the lord is good and merciful as to making us to see the new year, as unworthy as we are.  Sincerely, all I understand of God's mercy is that I'm undeserving of it, asides that, I don't get why He shows me His mercy. But He does, shouldn't I be grateful? I am very grateful, you should be too. That said, usually in a new year, People talk about New Year Resolutions . And many people build a list of resolutions that may not be of deep consequence. I mean, things like 'this year, I want to see more sights, visit more places....' 'I want to eat more fruits this year and complete all my favourite shows....' . While it may not be bad that you want to do those things, is it at least for a greater good? I believe that a man, particularly one who has given himself to Christ, should not create vain lists of resolutions or plans, they should be things that will benefit the kingdom of Christ, or at least that will hel...