
Matthew 6:34

[34]So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings.

Each day with its troubles, like default. It's like, whether I like it or not, there's going to be trouble every new day. 

Worrying is an addition to the troubles of the day. In other words, 'Worry' is trouble on its own, "do not worry about tomorrow" is what God says. 

Why will we be asked not to worry though? It's like we're wired to worry. Things are not going the way we understand, so we worry. The 'ups and downs' of life are intense, so we worry. We don't want a poor future, so we worry. 

Interestingly, God knows about all these, He knows the concerns we have, He knows the reasons why we think we should worry, but He still says "Don't worry"

When your father says "Don't worry", you should know it's because he has a plan and he's working on it already. God is not insensitive to our needs, but what He's saying is "What can your worry do about this situation? Nothing" 

And this is true; why do we worry about things we can't fix, we're afraid, that they'd get out of control. But the Great Fixer says 'don't worry', this is assurance to me, that I can leave all I care about in His hands and He'd work it out, in ways I could never have thought of on my own. 

Let this be your encouragement, so that we can both agree to begin to try not to worry.

Listen to: Through it all - Deitrick Haddon

Also: God's got it - J.Moss

I ain't gonna worry bout' the money in the bank,
I ain't gonna worry bout' the gas in the tank, (I know who supplies my needs)
I ain't gonna worry bout' the things I can't control, (God's is in control)
I ain't gonna worry bout' it, all I'll do is pray about it, hold up, why?
God's got it

When you're loosing strength and your confidence
God's got it
When your money's spent, can't pay the rent
God's got it 
Oh, when a storm is passing over, don't loose your composure
God's got it 
When you're down for a while, wanna throw in the towel
God's got it 


  1. Great write up. God bless you. More power to your elbows

  2. Really timely message for present day Nigerians,

  3. I won't worry because many things abt today & even tomorrow I don't seem to understand but I know who holds them both and I know HE also holds my Hands.

  4. Worrying is not a solution nor a route to the solution but an additional problem 🙇🏾‍♂️🙌 God bless for this


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