Entitled Much?

People owe you nothing!

DISCLAIMER: This table does not totally exclude me, so it's not an attackπŸ™πŸ½

I believe our hurts will reduce considerably if we FIRST, reduce the expectations we have of people. You should stop it! Stop thinking they can make you happy. Stop thinking that because they're a rich aquaintance, then they should be able to spare you some of their money. Stop! Stop thinking that because they have a high social status and they're 'close' to you, it should not be a big deal for them to use their connection to fix you in a good place. Infact ehn, Stop thinking that your parents are supposed to fend for you simply because they're your parents(I'm sure you're above 10). Save yourself some heartaches, because sincerely, that's just you feeling entitled and your sense of entitlement will do you little good.

Now when you do actually get these benefits from people, agree that you are BLESSED. That's the sole reason, not because of some connection you have with them. 

That may be the reason why THEY did it. I'm just saying, that is not the reason YOU should think they did it. What's the reason? Please remind me, let me be sure you heard it the first timeπŸ‘‚

Exactly! You are BLESSED.

It could be something as little as, car-less you trekking on the road when someone you know drives past you in their own car. You know the person saw you and has the ability to stop and give you a lift, but he/she doesn't. It is your sense of entitlement that may make you pick an offence off of that, because realistically the person does not owe you a ride and to be frank, you didn't step out of your house expecting to see the person.

It could be a rich friend who you know earns at least, half a million naira a month but declined sending you just two thousand naira even after begging. Realistically, you didn't put any of that money in their pocket. Besides, you have no idea if there are like a hundred people like you, who are asking for 'just 2000 naira'.

It could be an acquaintance who is highly placed in society and you know he/she could very easily get you a much needed job, but doesn't. Realistically, it's not your 'right' that we can say he's depriving you of.

It could actually be that these people have attitude problems, may be they are uncaring, blind, selfish and stingy people who need to see that they are BLESSED in order to be blessings to others. 

But to be candid, there could be a thousand other reasons why they haven't helped you in the way you expect, and these reasons may not be about their attitude at all. The real issue to fight here is not them, but your entitled mindset...

The higher your expectations, the higher your disappointments and consequently, the higher your heartaches. See, when you view a human as if they're are in a high and lofty place, where they can/will help you.... That high place is the height from where your heart will fall when you're eventually disappointed, because guess what? That's what humans are made to do - Disappoint. It's the major reason why they're Humans. Humans forget. Humans disappoint. Humans die. Okay, what if he's about to write the cheque he promised you and as he reaches for the book, he slumps and dies? It's sounds extreme, but it's very possible. The human life is very flimsy. Humans are human. They don't have the ability to help you in the way that you imagine. No, they can't get you fulfilled. That's God's role. And maybe God allows the disappointments to come, so that you will know that those people are not GOD.

But there's a way God shows Himself as provider for those who don't look up to humans.

I wish we will see this, so that we will stop demanding so much from people, apart from the fact that we may be setting ourselves up for disappointments, we are also putting pressure on them, which is really unnecessary because they actually don't live for us.

Ọrẹ mi, why don't you look up instead. Who knows, God can still use them to help you OR He can send help from totally unexpected places.

P.S: Note that I didn't say, because people don't owe you, then you don't owe them. Because YOU DO! You do owe them, you owe them love and care and any help that is within your power to render. Don't forget; you are BLESSED to be a BLESSING, but don't go about thinking that they owe you. Periodt

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Please COMMENT, I really want to hear your own views πŸ™πŸ½


  1. This is much needed in this era of entitled mentality.

  2. Just what I learnt in church today: look up to God from whence cometh your help and not men.
    Thank you very much, Grace.

  3. Nobody owe you or is oweing you anything whatsoever. Whatever you are given,take it as an act of Love and appreciate it. When you are not given too,don't blame or hate anyone. Live and Breathe still. Thank you so much for this. We all need to understand this,the world will be a better place


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