An Easter spoken word

There's a reason we're Christians and the reason is Christ. It's just sad though that majority of Christians now just bear the title. "What's your religion?" "Oh! I'm a Christian". When are we going to understand that what we are doing is not and should not be merely RELIGION?

You hear things like 'Bornagain Christians'. Why do we have to emphasize that the Christian is one bornagain? Really, why? Because to me, a Christian is supposed to be born-again and if there's one that is not. He's really just not a Christian! Period!

But you know, we have to put a demarcation between the real and the fake, so we say 'born-again Christian'

I wrote this as a spoken word, my very first attempt at it. It's a reminder, of the reason why we are Christians and what our response should be.


Let's go riiiight back to the start
When nothing was up,
at least that's what we know
It’s a story about love, one about Grace
So we can reason and give God His well-deserved place

When man was in the garden
The work Love gave him, tending
The urge to leave was not pressing
Love gave to man

control and dominion
And in the evenings, would come to man for communion
Man was living the best kind of life

Man was not yet tested though
Hate had not shown itself yet though
Cos as soon as it did
Man shunned all of Love’s bid
When Love said, “I give you, everything, freely, You can take anything you want, even Me”
“Just this one thing though,

I ask that you don’t do,

this one thing would kill you,

I thought I should warn you,

this one thing, stay away from and don’t worry, I’d satisfy you”

Oh Love! Love was so gracious!
But man, man has always been who he is…….. Man

The way that man,

put aside all of Love’s instruction
Despised that beautiful connection
Cheapened all of Love’s affection.

You would think man irrational
Funny, even man thinks Man irrational

That moment when man
opened the door to Hate,
he invited fear, he invited curse,
he maybe felt regret,

but it was too late
He did not know that hate
did not ride alone
And the guilt he felt,
he could not atone
At that moment,
he knew he had done wrong
But what could he do?
He tried to right his wrongs
He tried to redeem the situation,

but it wasn’t in his power to do
The route he took was wrong,

He wasn’t wise on his own
And Love,
came from His throne
Only to see, man was fallen
And from the high plane, Love placed him, downtrodden
Love was heartbroken,
He felt rejected, He was disconnected
He felt dejected
That man did not appreciate Him,
He’d done a lot for man,
Love should have been enough.

But it seemed like He wasn’t
And That should
Have been
the end of the story
That man… fell
and lost all his glory
But Love wouldn't let it be
Oh! The wonder of Love’s LOVE
He woulda killed himself with worry

So that moment
Set in motion the plan
for man to be brought back
Despite all of man’s slack
would still fight, with all His might
It’s true
At that moment He sent man out
But at that same moment, His love started a pursuit
He wanted man back

Tried to get man through man
But Moses and Elijah
Joel and Isaiah
Noah and Nehemiah
Ezekiel and Jeremiah
They couldn’t do the job

So he sent His Son
LOVE sent His own
So he could be the bridge
Between man and the father
And die, he would rather

of watching man die
He would go in his stead

He came to his own
His own received him not
How could man not see
The cost of this precious gift
Oh! What am I saying
This man is really me
I was guilty,
filthy and stained
Yet for me
he was willing to be slain
My hero
You couldn't have done the same for a hater, No!

Unimaginable pain,
As wickedness drove the nails
into his hands
And the thorny crown was forced
Upon his head
He was beaten, bruised, afflicted for my faults
But on the third day, he rose
Evil plan, brought to naught
All the misplaced settings, reset to default
My chains have been loosed, I am free from the vault

Now he lives forever and so will I
I don’t know about you, but now I’m ashamed
I’m ashamed I was among
his mockers in the first place
I look back and I see
I held the longest cane
The easiest explanation?
I was probably not sane
Because I couldn’t see,
what was the obvious thing
A sinless man carried a cross
To golgotha, because of my dross

Now, nothing I can do
to retract my actions
But one thing I can do
Not just a reaction
It’s to give Love the very best
And that is my HEART
As I speak to you now
I have done that
I’d do it everyday
Don’t hold a part back
It’s a great opportunity
You get to love Him back
So, I ask right now
What would you do in return
Would you like to make him
Go through a rerun
Would you live your life
Like you don’t care what Love has done
Or Would you give all of you
To the one who came for you
Would you surrender your whole
To the one who bled for you

I have placed before you
Life and death
In all, the choice is yours
But be wise
Choose Life

I beg you
Choose LOVE!


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