Entitled Much?

People owe you nothing! DISCLAIMER: This table does not totally exclude me, so it's not an attack๐๐ฝ I believe our hurts will reduce considerably if we FIRST, reduce the expectations we have of people. You should stop it! Stop thinking they can make you happy. Stop thinking that because they're a rich aquaintance, then they should be able to spare you some of their money. Stop! Stop thinking that because they have a high social status and they're 'close' to you, it should not be a big deal for them to use their connection to fix you in a good place. Infact ehn, Stop thinking that your parents are supposed to fend for you simply because they're your parents(I'm sure you're above 10). Save yourself some heartaches, because sincerely, that's just you feeling entitled and your sense of entitlement will do you little good. Now when you do actually get these benefits from people, agree that you are BLESSED. That's the sole reason, not because of some ...