Is it? Is it not?
You see, the Jews They knew the Messiah was coming They longed for the Messiah to come For years, He was the promise they hoped for But I guess they had a different picture of how He would look, Of how He would come Of the kind of saving it was going to be Of how He would save them They probably thought he would appear on earth in a spectacular manner Looking like 'Superman' He'd begin to disturb things With a super force Nobody would be able to stand before Him Anybody who had ever mistreated them, He would of course punish When he really came though He was all the things they did not picture A baby Born in the most unexpected way In the most miserly kind of place By an irregular family Looking like, He was the one who needed saving Isn't that why... 'He came to His own, but His own received Him not'? The Messiah they had always hoped for came, but they rejected Him. Why? He didn't look like a 'Messiah' He was a superhero, quite alright Just not...