Story Story

"Bring her out and have her burned to death!" This was Judah's statement after hearing that his daughter-in-law, Tamar, who was a widow, had turned to prostitution and was pregnant. A very astonishing statement, if you asked me. Till this day, I wonder why he was so quick to pronounce judgement like that? Why had he so quickly forgotten that he was not much different from her? Let me give you guys the back story. Three months earlier, Judah, had gone to Timnah to meet his sheep shearers. There he met a veiled 'harlot', in his mind, he thought he was far from home and like they say, " what happens in Rome, stays in Rome " This was his 'Rome' for now, so throwing caution to the wind, he went in to sleep with this harlot, who unknowingly to him was his widowed daughter-in-law. And because he brought nothing to give her as payment...(of course he was unprepared) She asked him, " What will you give me? " and he replied, " I will send...